“Mandala Journeys was born of our dreams, explorations and our own journeys through wonderful places and cultures. This were the outer journeys which started writing our inner journey and process of becoming who we are today. Let us be honest, every travel experience changes us and shapes our minds and souls, making us a person we weren’t yet, before going through that adventure, meeting that local family or engaging in that or that culture. And this whole becoming process is what we believe traveling is all about.

For us it is all about discovering cultures, amazing natural places, mountains, jungles, deserts, beaches, and countries in order to better understand and love Mother Earth – this amazing planet that we and everything we know lives on. We put all our passion and gained expertise in leading people eager to explore the unknown and we organize journeys that will open your mind and soul, so that you can Travel where you feel.

From gate to gate through Brașov

Brasov is probably the only city in Romania that I could write about with passion. I met him as a teenager, then he became my home. From the expectations of the trains to various destinations in the Romanian Carpathians, a period when I was making childhood dreams, and until today when a happy situation brought me to live with my family here, the city under Tâmpa was like a magnet for me.


Brașov - City tours
Brașov - City tours

Kronstadt, Corona city, old city, Romanian neighborhood, Schei


Open your mind and soul to a part of who we all are who inhabit these lands.



Guided tours on demand, experts guides and small groups - to enjoy your holiday in a relaxed manner.

Mandala Travel - eco friendly tour operator

Project co-financed by the EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND, Human Capital Operational Program 2014-2020

Ways to travel

We inspire our children to explore the world and broaden their horizons.
Guided groups
We have a reputation for always pushing the boundaries of the itinerary to ensure that our passion is transmitted into your most beautiful vacation!
Small group travel gives you access to a destination's secrets.
Copyright 2020 MANDALA JOURNEYS | By InMotion Media.
Mandala Journeys